Welcome to

Juniper Green

A Practice that Provides You an Alternate Pathway to Healing Body and Mind

A Practice that Provides You an Alternate Pathway to Healing Body and Mind


Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine, uttered his wisdoms more than two millennia ago Today, we have the benefit of thousands of years of knowledge from all corners of the ancient world, yet modern man continues to invent treatments that leave the patient worse off Often, the price to pay for radical treatment is far greater than the benefits gained

“Understanding Provides the Opportunity. Without it Time Becomes the Burden”

Solutions Revolve Around Energy

We exist to inform and treat our patients from a position that recognises a problem with your energy field as the root cause of a depleted system From common issues like chronic fatigue, through to major health issues, and even mental disorders, stem from an energy imbalance

Internal and External Frameworks

Kat has been helping people take back their health and mental wellbeing for more than 30 years A certified Natural practitioner, her heart’s wish is to guide and lead you to regain faith in the solutions Nature in her abundance has provided her children, from common ailments to serious conditions

The Central Force Around Which Quality of Life Revolves

At the centre of each body lies a vortex of rotational energy that acts as an assembly point where paths and energy clusters bring the system its power When the assemblage point within the core is misaligned, the results have the potential to cause the body and mind to break down…

Our Specialty – Re-Aligning the Assemblage Point

Restoring balance and harmony to the body's energy field

At Juniper Green, our highly qualified team of therapists uses state-of-the-art, non-invasive transducer therapy as a specialist technique to achieve re-alignment effectively and quickly

The Process Process

A Healing Partnership

Each and every person that walks into my practice or confides in my wisdom is welcomed as a unique person within a unique situation. I take the whole person into consideration before making treatment suggestions, which includes paying close attention to your psychological and emotional wellbeing.
I believe that the physical manifestation of an ailment or disease often stems from or is connected to a deeper state of being

I do need you to understand that healing is rooted in trust – trust in me, as your therapist and trust in the advice I provide, borne of a lifetime’s knowledge and experience, and a genuine desire to help you recover your ability to treat your body with kindness, understanding and patience

Take the Step to Discovery

The information you share allows me to be introduced to an important part of your life Recognition provides the catalyst to forge a strong connection and builds on the empathy I practise as a therapist

Welcome to a peaceful environment where nurture defines your experience with experience

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I’d love to be given the privilege of sending you promotional news, useful information, wisdoms, and advice, or anything that I think you’d appreciate once every month.
Rich Blessings, Kat